Nine Things that Make Air Travel More Comfortable

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Arrive refreshed, not frazzled.

As much as we love to travel, whether for a much-needed getaway or to visit family or friends, flying can be stressful. As airline passengers, we only have control over so many things, which can make air travel challenging. I have traveled by plane quite a bit, and I have found that there are a few things within our control that we can do that make air travel more comfortable and enjoyable, and arrive at our destination refreshed, not frazzled. 

1. PLAN AHEAD. It sounds easy enough, but when planning for a trip there are always things that come up at the last minute. You’re trying to fit packing, confirming reservations, printing documents and more into your already busy life. Just a bit of planning can make a big difference in how you feel, not only when you arrive at the airport, but when you arrive at your destination too. Some tips for planning ahead:

Print confirmations as soon as you receive them or save them into a specific file on your phone. Don’t wait until the day before your trip. If details change, you can always re-print them, but having all your paperwork together in one place saves time and stress.

Use your alarm. Not just to get up in the morning for early flights but throughout your travel day. Set an alarm for 30 minutes before you need to leave the house. By that time, everything should be packed and ready to go. That extra 30 minutes gives you time to rest, pet the dog for a bit, or check (again) to make sure the back door is locked, and the coffee pot is off.  Making that extra time before heading out the door will start your travel day calmly.

Set another alarm for ten minutes before your plane begins boarding, so you know you will be at your gate on time. And set another alarm for 30-40 minutes before your plane is scheduled to arrive at your destination. This will give you time to use the restroom once more, put things away, check to make sure you have everything, and take some deep breaths. If you have a connecting flight, use this time to look at the airline magazine and get a feel for the layout of your arrival airport. 

2. CHECK YOUR BAGS AND KEEP YOUR CARRY-ON LIGHTWEIGHT. It’s tempting to take your luggage on the plane with you, especially if your trip is going to be short, but dragging bags through the airport is unnecessary and can cause more stress. It makes packing harder too since you have to make sure your liquids are less than four ounces, but you have enough of everything for your trip.

If you can check your bag at the curb, that’s even better. Why not let someone else take care of your suitcases for you? Carrying luggage through the airport is such an inconvenience to some, that there are luggage shipping services that will deliver bags from your home to your destination. Check out,, or These services can sometimes be less expensive than paying for checked baggage fees.

Keep your carry-on light. Of course, you need to take your important documents, identification, and medications with you in your carry-on, but every other item should be carefully considered. Do you need a laptop, book AND magazine for a three-hour flight? Plan ahead and download whatever movie, music or books you want to read onto your laptop or tablet. Leave the hardback books at home!

And be sure your carry-on is easy to organize so that your travel documents are easily accessible, and you can remove your electronic devices at security without emptying everything. 

3. REGISTER FOR TSA PRE-CHECK OR GLOBAL ENTRY. These services not only save stress, but also save time at the airport.

TSA Pre-check is for domestic travel and allows you to access a priority line at more than 200 airport security checkpoints. During TSA screening, you generally do not need to remove shoes, belts, liquids, laptops, or light jackets.  (Although some airports vary). Global Entry is for international travel and allows for faster security screening for travel into U.S. airports from abroad. 

You can apply for both services in advance and each require a fee and background check. You do need to have a passport to apply for Global Entry.  Once approved, your Global Entry is good for five years and includes TSA Pre-check. To utilize the services, once approved, you’ll enter your TSA Pre-check or Global Entry number when making your flight reservations.

4. DRESS COMFORTABLY FOR YOUR FLIGHT. When choosing what to wear on your travel day, be sure to select an outfit that is comfortable and does not include unnecessary metal adornments or is too tight or too bulky. Make sure your shoes are comfortable for walking and can be easily removed if needed. Even with TSA Pre-check, you may occasionally be asked to remove your shoes. It’s always best to wear shoes that fit well or are a bit roomy. On long flights, feet can swell, and even comfortable walking shoes can feel tight. 

5. TAKE AN EMPTY WATER BOTTLE TO FILL. It’s important to stay hydrated when flying. The humidity level in airplane cabins is low, so moisture evaporates from the body more quickly, which can lead to dehydration.

When packing your carry-on, include an empty reusable water bottle. Once through security, fill the bottle at a water filling station, or, if you get a meal before your flight, ask the server for an extra glass of water, or to fill your bottle for you. Once on board, it’s often quite a wait for the flight attendants to take drink orders, so having your own water bottle will ensure you are prepared if you get thirsty. You should try to drink water consistently throughout your flight, and before and after your travel too.

My favorite water bottle is the HidrateSpark smart water bottle. The HidrateSpark glows to remind you when to drink and connects with a free app to keep track of your water intake. I’ve had my HidrateSpark for more than a year now, and it still looks brand new. 

6. PACK LIGHT, NUTRITIOUS SNACKS. Even if your flight is short, it’s always a good idea to have some light, nutritious snacks with you. You never know when flights are delayed, or something happens where you end up sitting in the plane on the tarmac for an extended period, and you want to be prepared.

Ideal airplane snacks are items that pack easily, are not too messy, and don’t need refrigeration. Consider a simple trail mix, either store-bought or homemade, that includes some nuts and dried fruits. Pretzels are another good option, along with protein bars. For a more decadent treat, pack some Laughing Cow Cheese. These creamy, individually wrapped cheese wedges are shelf-stable and do not require refrigeration. Bring along some crackers or pick up one of their Laughing Cow & Go cups that include cheese and crunchy breadsticks.

One more thought on snacks… When packing snacks, be considerate to your fellow travelers. Avoid packing things that have particularly strong smells, like sandwiches with onions, or hard-boiled eggs. While sandwiches can be easily purchased after going through security, and hard-boiled eggs are healthy and convenient, neither are going to make you friends on board! 

7. BRING A TRAVEL PILLOW FOR LONG FLIGHTS. For shorter flights, you can usually get away without a travel pillow. It’s just something else to carry that you’re not likely to use. But for longer flights, it’s often worth the effort to carry a good quality, lightweight travel pillow with you.

Look for one that is lightweight, offers good support but is not too large. Find one that attaches to your carry-on, and is washable, or at least has a washable cover. Choosing the right pillow comes down to personal preference regarding firmness, material, etc., but if you’re looking for a good quality pillow try out the Travelrest Travel Pillow. It’s a bit more expensive than airport gift store pillows, but it checks all the boxes, and, when ordered through Amazon, offers a money-back guarantee. 

8. CARRY HAND WIPES FOR YOU AND STUFF AROUND YOU. As much as the airlines are making efforts to keep travelers safe, and all surfaces sanitary and clean, it can never hurt to wipe things down one extra time.

Disposable hand wipes are lightweight and easy to pack in a carry-on. They can be used to wash up hands before and after having a snack, as well as wiping down tray tables and seatback buttons, which may not get the attention they deserve between flights!  Wet Ones makes travel packs of antibacterial hand wipes in various scents and sizes. 

9. KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Traveling is stressful, and even if you take every step to make your travel days as organized and stress-free as possible, that isn’t necessarily going to be the case for those around you. Everyone is on their own path, and let’s face it, some of them are rocky and steep! The best thing you can do for yourself, and those around you, is to be calm and have a good attitude.  Remember that plane travel is a means to an end, and you’ve got that end in sight. So, take a few breaths, turn up your music, and look the other way if you need to. Be positive and stay happy! 

There are always going to be mishaps and unpredictable things that happen when traveling. But taking the steps to be prepared can make air travel more comfortable and enjoyable. Incorporate these steps into your next trip to make sure you arrive refreshed, not frazzled. 

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