Try Something New – You May Surprise Yourself

Try Something New

I Entered A Writing Contest, and Won!

I’ve always loved writing. My Bachelor’s Degree is in Journalism from Penn State University. After graduation I worked for the University in Alumni Relations and Development. Part of that included writing the articles for the campus newsletters. I really enjoyed being creative and writing about fun events that were taking place, and our great alumni, donors and professors.

After a couple of years, my then fiancé (now my husband of 26+ years) and I decided to relocate to Arizona to be closer to my family. After we relocated my career took a different path. Although I still wrote somewhat for work, there was not much creative writing involved.

I Retired Young, Now What

Fast forward 25 years later and I retired from that career. As I talk about in my post I Retired Young, Now What?, I did a bit of soul searching to ‘find my passion’ and figure out what I wanted to do next in life. One thing I asked myself was “what am I good at, and what have people told me I’m good at?” I knew immediately my answer was writing, editing and proofreading.

As I go on to say in that post, a few other introspective questions led me to know that I wanted to start a blog. was born!

Back to the writing contest…

At the same time I was going through my ‘finding my passion’ exercise, I came across a writing contest online. I had never entered a writing contest before. Since I hadn’t done much creative writing over the past years, I thought it would be a good chance to brush off my writing skills for my new blog.

I first heard of the contest through a Facebook post. The contest was on Booksie is a free social publishing site that provides a place where writers and readers can connect.

The Flash Fiction Summer 2021 Writing Contest was a challenge to write an engaging short story (300 words or less), about an image. The image was of a woman sitting atop a hill or mountain, wrapped in a blanket, at what appears to be either dusk or dawn.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

I thought there could be a number of ways to interpret the image. I must have just been scrolling through Instagram or something, but I decided to write about…

Well, I’ll let you read it for yourself…

Flash Fiction Summer 2021 Writing Contest

I Won!

I wrote the story and submitted it. That felt good! The contest ran for quite some time, and I almost forgot about it. But then I got an email that I had won!!

Congratulations! Your submission “How Many Likes” was chosen as the winner of the Summer 2021 Flash Fiction contest. The judges like the originality of the story and it tied into the everything social world we live in.


I can’t tell you how excited I was! I was visiting a friend and we were out for lunch. My hands started shaking and I told her that I had just won a writing contest! I hadn’t even told her I had entered. We both had tears in our eyes as I called my husband to tell him. (I love that my friends are just as excited for me as I am for myself).

So, in addition to wanting to share my excitement, I want to encourage you. Try something new! You may surprise yourself!

Try Something New Surprise Yourself

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  1. Catherine

    Wow! Congratulations. Hearing stories like this motivates me to say “yes” to things that scare me!

  2. Carolyn

    That first step toward trying a new thing is the scariest step ever, but each one after is becomes so much easier! And I’ve found that once you try one new thing, trying more becomes a whole lot easier!

  3. Cindy Moore

    First of all…congrats! I love your creative story. It’s perfectly crafted. And I DO love trying new things. It’s what launched me into the blogging world, actually. No regrets!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thank you so much and bravo for trying new things!

  4. Marianne G

    Trying new things is pretty scary at times! It took me at least two years to start my blog, out of sheer self doubt. Sometimes… you just need to go for it and see where the adventure takes you! Congrats on your success!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thank you so much! Congratulations on starting your blog!!

  5. Whitney

    I kept saying “girl yes” in my head the whole time reading this! lol You are amazing love!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thank you so much!!

  6. Chelsea

    YAY! Congrats!! You rock! I love when something like this happens because it almost affirms we’re heading in the right direction. When I’m afraid to take a leap into something new, and then I try it, and it goes well, it ends up feeling right usually. Like, why did I ever doubt myself? LOL! Congrats again!

    1. Dee Dee

      Yes, exactly! It gave me so much more confidence! Thank you!

  7. Sabrina DeWalt

    Congratulations on winning. Trying new things is often a scary proposition, but when we do it is very often rewarding.

    1. Dee Dee

      Yes, scary, but rewarding for sure! Thank you so much!

  8. Barbara

    I love when we challenge ourselves to greatness and succeed! Why are we so shocked? Great job!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thank you! Good question – why are we shocked? I think sometimes we have more doubt in ourselves than others.

  9. Lisa, Casey, Barrett Dog


  10. Erica Pittenger

    WHAT AN INSPIRATION! You are amazing! I do find that if I step out of my comfort zone I find wonderful doors opening and new adventures to be had! Congratulations on winning!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thank you so much! I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone more often, and it’s all been good!!

  11. Tiffany

    How exciting! Congratulations on taking the leap and showing them how awesome you are!

    1. Dee Dee

      Awww… thank you so much!

  12. Cindy Campbell

    Congratulations! What a great way to be inspired!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thanks so much! I was so surprised!

  13. Terra Booth

    Congratulations!! That is amazing and inspiring!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thanks so much!!

  14. Debbie

    Congrats on winning the writing contest!! Always a good feeling to branch out and conquer something new!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thank you! Yes, it was such a good feeling!

  15. Kristin

    Congratulations! Stepping out of your comfort zone can bring big rewards and surprises! So cool and yay for supportive friends who celebrate with you!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thanks so much! It was a big surprise. I’m blessed with amazing friends!

  16. Cecile Leger

    Congratulations. How exciting!

  17. Denise

    First that is completely awesome! And second you’re absolutely right, trying something new is like stepping outside your comfort zone. Taking a chance, cause you don’t ever know where it’ll go or what will happen. Great job! I am excited for your success and going for it. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Dee Dee

      Thank you so much! It was certainly out of my comfort zone, but so worth it!

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